Monday, January 7, 2008

Jolly Bollocks episode 1

Hello world!

If you're reading this then you're 1 out of 1.244 billion people using the internet as of September 2007... =) Kudos to you... =D

Like all impulsive decisions, getting drunk, buying expensive lingerie for that certain someone (yes, the transparent see through ones), buying a bar of chocolate, spending that last RM12.90 in your wallet (including 1 cent coins) on that venti Javachip Frappuchino with extra Javachip, having sex or getting pregnant, I decided to come up with this blog - impulsively. =) HEE!

The word jolly makes me happy and I have a feeling I am going to type a lot of crap aka bollocks so I decided the most appropriate name for this blog should be jollybollocks... =)

Earlier today I was on Youtube (yes, one of those jobless people watching videos posted by other jobless people) watching Jeremy Clarkson test a Ferrari F430... So I again, impulsively, decided on calling this blog, I want to drive a supercar... =) Yes, with the three dots and the smiley at the end...

PS: I love M3's...

chiefsiao over n' out!

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